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How to fade acne scars?

 How to Fade Acne scars?

“Acne scars result from a complex and abnormal inflammatory response, which results in poor wound healing,” says Kara Shah, MD, a board-certified dermatologist and medical monitor at Med pace in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Because scarring is a complication of acne, anyone who experiences a breakout can have temporary or permanent scars — yet scarring is most common in those who suffer from inflammatory acne characterized by numerous pimples and cysts, says Dr. Shah. You should also be careful while choosing best products for skin care.


What Are the Signs of an Acne Scar?

“The types of scarring seen in acne include keloids or hypertrophic scars, which appear as red, firm, raised papules [bumps],” Shah says. Atrophic scars appear as depressed or “sunken in” areas and may be larger, broad scars (boxcar scars and rolling scars) or small pits (ice pick) scars. (4)

Identifying an acne scar from other types of scars isn’t too difficult, because an acne scar occurs in the spot where a pimple was. For reducing the acne, you can consider our acne face wash.

Not all acne scars look the same. They can take various forms. For example:

Rolling Scars

According to Schwinger Dermatology, this is the most common type of acne scar. They’re shallow, wide, and have sloping edges. These scars tend to get more noticeable with age.

Red Spots

These are flat, red (or brownish) spots that form in the spot of a previous acne lesion. They usually fade without leaving a permanent mark. Try out our acne serum for reducing red spots.

Dark Spots

Sometimes, healed acne leaves a temporary dark spot on the skin, known as post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

Boxcar Scars and Ice-Pick Scars

Acne scars caused by a loss of tissue are called depressed fibrotic scars (sometimes called boxcar scars) and ice-pick scars. They tend to appear sunken and look like pits in the skin, though ice-pick scars are deeper than boxcar scars. (6)

Hypertrophic Scars and Keloids

Some types of acne leave scars that appear as enlarged, raised growths of tissue. These acne scars are caused by too much scar tissue. Hypertrophic scars and keloids look similar, but the latter are more raised than the former.  Acne Face – The Number 1 Secret I Used To Clear My Acne

How to Prevent Acne Scars

“The best prevention for acne scarring is to optimize acne treatment with a good skin-care routine, a healthy diet, and an appropriate treatment regimen,” says Shah.

Since reducing skin inflammation can lessen scars, don’t ignore an acne problem — even if it’s mild. (2)

You should treat acne with over-the-counter creams or facial washes containing active acne-fighting ingredients such as salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. If these don’t work, see a board-certified dermatologist, the Mayo Clinic advises. TOP 10 Aloe Vera Benefits for Beauty – Aloe Vera Skin Tips

“Regular use of a topical retinoid like tretinoin (Retin-A), adapalene (Differin), or tazarotene (Tazorac) has been shown to both prevent and reduce the appearance of acne scars, and these are commonly prescribed by a dermatologist as part of an acne skin-care regimen,” says Shah.

Prevention also involves being gentle with your skin and avoiding practices that could irritate your skin and exacerbate inflammation.

“Don’t pick at your acne, and avoid using any skin-care products that are abrasive, like scrubs and loofahs or washcloths,” warns Shah. She also encourages daily sunscreen use to reduce hyperpigmentation and dark spots. (2)

Dermatological Procedures to Improve or Remove Acne Scars

But while certain measures can help prevent new scarring, what are your options for minimizing the appearance of existing scars?

Common procedures to remove or improve acne scars include:


This effective scar removal treatment uses a high-speed brush or other instrument to resurface your skin and remove or reduce the depth of scars. It can take up to three weeks for the skin to heal. (1)


For this less-intensive type of dermabrasion, a dermatologist or aesthetician uses a handheld device to remove surface skin. More than one treatment may be required, but there’s no downtime. (8)

Chemical Peel:

During a chemical peel, a chemical solution is applied to the skin. It removes the outer layer of your skin, resulting in a smoother, more even appearance. You may experience redness and peeling for three to seven days after the procedure. (9)


Your dermatologist can use a laser resurfacing treatment to remove the outer layer of your skin, contour areas of acne scars, or lighten redness around healed acne lesions. Healing may take between 3 and 10 days.


A substance such as collagen, hyaluronic acid, or fat can be used to “fill out” certain types of acne scars. Since fillers are eventually absorbed into your skin, you’ll have to repeat filler injections, usually every few months, depending on the substance used. (8)

Punch Excisions:

This type of skin surgery removes acne scars by individually excising, or cutting out, the scar. The hole left by the incision can be repaired with stitches or a skin graft. A skin graft uses a small piece of normal skin (usually removed from behind the ear) to fill in an area of scarred skin. Bruising can occur for one to two weeks after the procedure. (8)

Micro needling:

Also called collagen induction therapy, this procedure involves pricking the skin repeatedly with tiny needles to stimulate the growth of new collagen. This can reduce the appearance of scars. Microneedling can improve the appearance of wrinkles, stretch marks, and fine lines. Skin redness may last a few days.

Fade Acne Scars with Over-the-Counter Remedies

Over-the-counter or nonprescription products may also help minimize the appearance of acne scars.

Even though dark spots may fade over time on their own, an over-the-counter medicated dark spot remover with hydroquinone may help these scars fade quicker, notes Yoram Harth, MD, a dermatologist and the medical director of MDacne in San Francisco.

In addition, acne treatments with alpha hydroxyl acids can stimulate the growth of new skin, minimizing the appearance of old scars while simultaneously preventing the formation of new acne. When shopping for an acne treatment, look for products that contain alpha hydroxyl acids like glycolic acid and lactic acid.

If over-the-counter products don’t fade acne scars, concealer and foundation can help camouflage discoloration. (4)
If you are enjoying reading, read our original article here: 18 Ways to Hide Acne Scars


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